Do you love Football Manager and want to tell us your story and opinion?

Do you have a review of FM 13 or something that you want to see in the 2014 version?

Now is your chance to tell the world about it online, within 1 month of being live we are already getting over 1100 unique visitors a day, “that’s like half a million a year dude”, this will keep growing and the community will follow so now is the perfect time to join our team and become a regular author.

You can talk about anything FM related, it could be wonderkids, saved games from years gone by, a special tactic or formation that works or even just some opinion based banter, it’s all welcome.

We do ask that all submissions of content are 100% unique (we will check), a minimum of 500 words and are from people with real FM experience. The best articles on the site are always tip and fact based pieces so bear that in mind if you want a top-ranked article!

To contribute all you have to do is fill in the form below and we will get in touch to talk about what you want to write about, alternatively email or write your article and send it over to [email protected] and we can get you up and running.

Regular contributors will be given their own login so you can write directly to the website itself!

Your Name (required)

Your Email (required)

What is your article idea about?